
Drones, good or bad?

The unfortunate events in Ukraine over the last few years have forced all of us to change our ideas about a lot of things, from the delusions of the ‘peace dividend’ era, to the enormous potential of drone technology, everything is changing before our very eyes.

We have had to eat our words about the capacity of even small camera drones to be adapted for warlike purposes, as there is now no doubt that there are Mavic 3 drones out there now with hand grenades strapped to them, and very effective they seem to be too.

The real shock, though, is how quickly science fiction has come to life, with individual soldiers being chased down by ‘kamikaze’ drones, artificial intelligence being installed to defeat electronic jamming and the very idea of an unmanned (but still intelligent) vehicle being expanded to include boats, jetskis, light aircraft and even tiny flying cameras no larger than a dragonfly.

They say necessity is the mother of invention and probably fighting for your country’s life is about as ‘necessary’ as it gets, but the remarkable speed with which a relatively small population not known for their pioneering hi-tech industries has adopted, adapted and improved drone technology does provide an example to us all. The Ukrainian government have thrown a lot of resources at drone technology and the country seems to be on course to manufacture over 2 million drones this year, while constantly innovating and improving ECM (Electronic Counter Measures) systems like AI, variable frequency communication to defeat enemy technology. Win or lose, it seems fairly obvious that the world of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) will never be the same again after this war, and even though one of the largest DJI stores in the world is currently situated in Kiev, we suspect that the Chinese monopoly of the drone world will probably not survive this conflict.

An industry capable of producing 2 million drones a year will be a serious competitor in the future and looking for European and worldwide sales to keep themselves busy. Add to this the fact that many economists are predicting an end to globalisation with the increasing international polarisation resulting from the Russia/China/North Korea/Iran axis, there look to be interesting times ahead. China’s traditional cheap labour advantage seems to be also rapidly diminishing, so there seem few reasons why a whole new European drone industry could not emerge once the smoke and cordite have settled.


A prosperous 2024(?)

Good question. For us, Christmas was the usual hectic mishmash of trying to finish up outstanding jobs before everything (and everyone) shut down, lay some groundwork for the new year, and even get a few days off to enjoy the inevitable hangover. And then onto 2024 – what predictions for the next 12 months?

For beda:photo, 2023 was very much a half full or half empty kind of year (depending on the mood at any one time) with a lot more aerial photography and video work coming our way, but always at short notice and at very competitive prices. There was a lot more work on large scale construction sites, both aerial and ground based. Such locations can be a severe test of man and machine even with professional ground based photographic equipment, but flying a flimsy drone in among the cranes, cherry pickers and steel girders seemed bound to end in tears. In the event, however, it was the Canon DSLRs which took the most beatings, with the drones having no problems at all other than finding safe take off and landing zones on busy building sites. Even flying around between girders in a dimly lit auditorium went off without a hitch, thanks to the impeccable obstacle avoidance system on the Mavic.


Filming the construction process without disrupting the workforce is a necessary discipline when creating on going documentary records.


Rooftop survey with a difference. Colchester’s famous waterpower, affectionately known as Jumbo, is due to receive a new lease of life in 2024.


As for the coming 12 months, so much is going on out there in the wider world, with wars, elections, recessions and general economic instability all in the pipeline, if not already here, it would be foolhardy to start making too many predictions on the 2nd of January. There are, however, a few things that we can be reasonably sure of:

1. 2024 looks set to be the year of the drone, at least when it comes to high tech warfare in Ukraine. The AFU have announced that they are set to produce over a million UAVs by the end of the year, which is quite remarkable for a country which had no drone industry worth talking about a year ago.

2. Many larger organisations (particularly national and local government) will still be blaming Covid for their inability to get back up to previous levels of effectiveness.

3. England will not be winning the EURO 2024 championships, but please, guys, feel free to prove us wrong.

4. We will all be back here again in 12 months(ish) moaning about what a bad year 2024 was and hoping 2025 will be better!

5. beda:photo will still be zooming around the skies of East Anglia doing our best to create great photos and videos.


DJI Mavic 3 one year on review

It’s almost a year now since beda:photo retired our DJI Inspires and went over to using the DJI Mavic 3, and it has been a busy year for us, so the new kit has certainly been put through its paces. These are our ratings:

IQ (image quality)

At first we were a bit dubious about the slightly odd camera arrangements, two different lenses and very strangely shaped filters, but the system has proven to be very effective in a wide variety of situations. We always knew that the lack of interchangeable lenses would be annoying and the secondary lens is an attempt to compensate for the lack of any form of telephoto facility, and in all fairness it does a pretty good job.

The auxiliary lens shows less contrast and slightly less sharpness than the main lens, but shooting in raw and careful post processing can produce surprisingly good results.


Cropping in is still possible, but the image is beginning to soften noticeably
Even at this crop the image is still usable for basic purposes like roof surveys. The lens is struggling to cope with the high contrast levels though.

In other words, the auxiliary lens is good enough for a lot of basic tasks, but it won’t produce many award-winning images.

The main lens, on the other hand, does produce beautifully crisp images with a very wide dynamic range and masses of detail. The raw images are a delight to work on, with astonishing amounts of flexibility in exposure, colour balance and  contrast. They do seem a bit soft to begin with, but with a bit of sharpening added, they take on a biting clarity which is easily comparable to the Minolta lenses used on Inspires. The camera is of course also a four thirds camera, so a big jump in quality over the previous generation of drone cameras is only to be expected.

The Hasselblad lens captures a wealth of tonal gradation and detail. The images also have considerable latitude in exposure, colour and contrast.
Even when cropping right in, sharpness and detail are easily good enough.

Ease of use

When it comes to ease of use this little drone is in a class of its own. There is virtually no preparation required, just pull it out of the bag, unfold the legs and that’s it. Brilliant. Once in the air the Mavic is equally easy to handle, being very quick and responsive. The speed at which it moves over short distances takes some getting used to if you are accustomed to working with larger machines, even in cine mode, so a light touch is definitely needed. 

Battery life

Firstly, we were extremely relieved to discover that the initial massive charging time of anything up to 8 hours appears to be a once-only phenomenon, with a much more acceptable hour or so being the norm. We don’t normally run batteries down below 20%, so this can be even shorter. Flight times are still the longest we have worked with, usually around 40 minutes, which is particularly useful on large construction sites where one is often working at maximum range. All of this is good news, particularly as additional batteries are ferociously expensive to buy.

User/customer friendly(?)

A surprisingly important consideration when working in public places or busy construction sites is the reaction of workers, participants and passers by to the presence of a drone. Most people react far more favourably to the Mavic 3 than they ever did to an Inspire hovering a few yards away, which makes working significantly easier. If anything, the Mavic is so quiet and unobtrusive  that wedding guests and workers sometimes have an alarming tendency to walk right up to it to inspect it while hovering, which is not to be encouraged. Certainly, very few are intimidated by it.


Durability was the big issue as far as we were concerned with the Mavic 3. Our first reaction was that we had swapped some large, well made professional kit for a collection of cheap(er) plastic toys, but one year on it has to be said that the Mavic has performed faultlessly, with no technical issues at all, not even any replacement props, which is unheard of around here. They still sometimes come back covered with blood and the corpses of dead insects when flying in summer, but the usual nicks and scratches don’t seem to be occurring, so no complaints on that score. 

Another pleasant surprise recently was an uninterrupted morning’s work from the top of a 3 storey building flying in temperatures officially recorded at -7 degrees C at ground level. It would have been quite a bit colder at 400 feet. A lot of drones would have refused to fly in those temperatures, or at least issued dire warnings about battery temperatures and working life, but there was not a peep from the trusty Mavic. It just quietly did what it was asked to do without complaint. We are told that drone batteries don’t like it much below 15 degrees, but obviously no one has mentioned this to the Mavic 3, as the battery life and performance were completely normal.


One of the great virtues of the Mavic 3, of course is its video capability. It has to said at this point that we have never had much call for the software bells and whistles which accompany each new drone from DJI, preferring to adopt a totally manual approach to our work. Having said that, however, functions like point of interest and follow me mode have definitely improved since the earlier DJI versions and the tendency for windspeed and direction to reduce efficiency appears to have been mostly eliminated.

From our point of view, the 4k video at 60fps is the big plus, providing greater levels of image quality and flexibility. Adjustable apertures have also rightly been deemed as essential for full control, so there is not much to complain about here. The 5.2K resolution is also great, but does require the fastest micro SD cards and increases processing and workflow times accordingly, so until clients start demanding it we will continue to be more than satisfied with the brilliant 4k footage this camera produces.


This drone doesn’t really have any vices. The DJI Fly app it uses, however, continues to plague the UK user with lots of irrelevant and intrusive ‘health and safety’ information when working in certain areas, even to the extent of inventing non-existent flight regulations and restrictions. And who cares about the latest restrictions about flying around the Emperor’s Palace in Beijing anyway? We certainly don’t.

Minor gripes notwithstanding, however, the Mavic 3 continues to be a great drone and is serving us well, so we would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for professional results from a drone that is remarkably easy to fly and good value for money.

Technical review

New year, new drone

At beda:photo we like to invest in proven technology rather than be the first out of the starting blocks with a new toy, but unusually we now find ourselves in posession of a brand new DJI Mavic 3, which has been hyped up as the start of the art, best ever drone. Initial reactions were, however, alarm and despondency when it became obvious that some of the advertised functions didn’t work properly, or simply displayed the message ‘coming soon’. Fortunately this was quickly rectified by two firmware updates in quick succession (about a month apart) and we can now report that all systems are fully functioning. It does beg the question, however, why release a half-finished product onto the market, especially something like a drone, which relies upon everything working perfectly?

But never mind, let’s be positive. True, it is much easier to handle than an Inspire, the bells and whistles (like point of interest ) do actually appear to function properly, although we tend to do most things manually for best results, and it does take amazing photos. Even the JPEGs are astonishingly sharp and have lots of dynamic range, straight ‘out of the box’. The lack of interchangeable lenses is a bit of a drag, and the telephoto secondary lens goes some way to making up for this, but it will never compete with the beautiful images from the 49mm Olympus lens on the Inspire Pro.

The JPEGs straight out of the camera are astonishingly crisp and usable with a wide dynamic range, suggesting that the lens is as good as the 4/3 sensor.
Before: The DNG files come up at about 43mb and have considerable latitude for post processing. This image was shot with very low January sun, which would normally have resulted in either burnt out highlights on the houses or black impenetrable shadows.
After: With a minimum of adjustment to retrieve the highlights and shadows and warm up the colour balance the images are the best we’ve seen from a drone camera other than the X5.
Detail from the photo above, taken at 380ft. Amazing detail, requiring only a minimum of sharpening.

The aforementioned firmware update did, however, go a long way to towards improving the image output from that much-criticised second lens. The photos are now much sharper and crisper and once again you find yourself wondering, ‘if all it took was a firmware update why not do it in the first place’, particularly as the lens itself was good enough for the job? It’s still only a digital zoom for most of its range, with a genuine focal length of 162mm, which is about 7x the main camera at 24mm. On top of that, DJI uses up to 4x digital zoom to get to a claimed potential 28x magnification. For our purposes (mostly roof surveys) this is easily good enough for inspections and provides more than enough detail, a definite plus point.

Colour rendition is extremely accurate. This image has been warmed up slightly, but still retains the subtleties of the actual weak winter sunlight.

There is no denying that, compared to an Inspire, this thing does resemble a cheap plastic toy, but therein lie its greatest qualities. It is ridiculously easy to fly and quite docile. So much so in fact that you can just tell it to stay while working out the next shot, confident in the knowledge that it won’t fly into anything, run out of power or simply annoy the neighbours with its rotor noise. So far, our experience has been that all the claims about its quieter motors and long life batteries are true. 40-45 minutes or so is suddenly a lot of flying time. The downside of this appears to be that the batteries take forever to charge, nowhere near the 1.5 hours DJI claim. In fact the latest battery purchased took over 8 hours for its initial charge. Let’s hope this improves with use.

And of course, long term use will be the big test for this drone as it doesn’t appear to be anywhere near as resilient as a Phantom 4 or an Inspire. The camera also is mostly plastic, with a distinctly flimsy feel to the gimbal, but presumably the requirements of a folding design and new weight restrictions mean more compromises on durability.

Time will tell whether the new Mavic 3 is up to the job of a professional drone. It certainly produces amazing photos and 10 bit video footage, but professional camera equipment needs to be able to withstand a lot of wear and tear.

As with all new kit, the spending doesn’t stop with the purchase and the Mavic 3 is no exception. Even though it has a variable aperture it still requires a full set of ND filters, which, because of the weird shape are obtainable only from DJI or a handful of suppliers and consequently very expensive. New, faster Micro SD cards are suddenly required as well to handle the 10 bit video if you want to film at 60 frames per second or at 5K. Going back to using a mobile phone (with the standard controller) is also something we could do without. It really is about time DJI stopped making controllers without screens. They have proved that it can be easily done, and it certainly doesn’t need to cost another £879!

Ipad mini adapters for the Mavic 3 start at £9.99 on Ebay!

What we've been up to

Just another rooftop survey

Just another rooftop survey, or so it seemed, but we reckoned without the impenetrable bureaucracy of our local Highways department.

The client needed a roof inspection of a building in the town centre, which could have posed problems, but fortunately the street was mostly pedestrianised at that point with a large paved area which was ideal to launch a drone from. Anyone conversant with CAA procedures will know that take off and landing from such an area would require a cordon, spotters to ensure members of the public did not get in the way or were endangered in any way and, of course, the permission of the landowner.

Our Inspires may not be the smallest drones around, but they still only need a few yards space to take off and land

Who is the landowner? Surely the local Borough Council, but it seems not. It turns out that all streets and roads are in the purview of the Highways Department, but not pavements, except in certain circumstances. When is a pavement not a pavement? It seems that a pedestrianised area of a street is still a road for the purposes of bureaucracy, requiring the full paraphernalia of traffic diversions (??) traffic lights, large plastic barriers etc., etc.

Roof surveys using drones are quick, easy and cheap. By far the best way.

Common Sense?

All our attempts to appeal to common sense have fallen upon deaf ears so far. We have tried to point out that all we need is permission to launch a drone from a small corner of the pavement on a quiet Sunday morning and hover it above the building in question for about 30 minutes, but to no avail. After 6 weeks of being passed around from department to department we find ourselves back where we started, with a polite email from the Highways Department saying yes they appreciate our arguments, but we will still have to engage a ‘Recognised Traffic Management Company’ to apply for a licence to divert the traffic etc., etc.

When is a pavement not a pavement? When is a road not a road? It seems to depend on who you talk to and how much they can charge you.

Licence to print money?

The clue to all this, it seems to us, is in the word ‘licence’. ‘Licence’ is the new local government euphemism for squeezing taxpayers even harder for extra cash and a quick glance at the charges on the Highways Department website confirm that there is a large ‘licence’ cost attached to every stage of the process.

There is, however, a happy ending to this story. Having been given the local government run-around for so long and looking around for alternatives we finally contacted some neighbouring organisations and on the same day received a very polite email reply offering a neighbouring car park any working day, free of charge.

So, the only remaining problem now is resisting the temptation to tell the Highways Department where to shove their licence. Best not to though, as it probably involves a hefty fee!


Dreaming of a white Christmas?

Pre-Christmas snowfalls are virtually unheard of in our part of the world.

The beda:photo Christmas tree is now fully decked out in all its glory but, as usual, the missing ingredient is a suitably festive view from the window. Will we see another white Christmas in the South East? Not if the global warmers are to be believed, as our winters are said to be becoming milder and wetter every year. In this part of the world snow (if it comes at all) usually descends in the first few weeks of the new year, and we have had some brutal snowfalls around here in recent years, with roads cut off and a six day power cut 3 years ago. Not much fun if you live out in the sticks.


Mustn’t grumble though, and it was a rare treat to watch people snowboarding down the country lanes around here! Looking back over the last few decades it seems to us to be more a case of regular cycles of warm and cold spells, with hot, dry summers being followed by milder winters and cool, wetter summers being followed by harsh winters.

In Essex we have had two blistering hot, drought ridden summers followed by very mild winters in 2019 and 2020, but the summer of 2021 was something of a damp squib by comparison and not exceptionally warm, so the unofficial beda long range weather forecast is predicting a cold winter, but we will have to consult the tea leaves to be absolutely sure.

This was the view from beda a few years ago. A heavy snowfall blocked the roads and caused substantial power cuts.

This is all very interesting, but what is the relevance? Well, imagine waking up to the scene above in 10 years time, when gas, oil and coal fired heating is a thing of the past, only to find that the electricity (your only remaining source of heat, light, cooking and power to work with) is out for six days. And don’t even think about getting into your shiny new electric car to get some emergency supplies!

A storm in the North

At the time of writing this, a storm in the North of England has left thousands of households without power for 8 days. One can only hope that they haven’t been naive enough to put all their eggs in the electricity basket and at least have some alternative form of heating.

Goodbye oil and gas?

For those of you who may be unaware, it is official government policy to begin phasing out oil and gas boilers in 2025, just three years from now, in order to reduce fossil fuel emissions. The idea is to replace fossil fuels with cleaner electricity, which is great as long as you don’t think too hard about exactly how that electricity will be generated.

Currently, 42% of our electricity is generated by gas (yes, a fossil fuel) and coal (yes, another fossil fuel) with 21% being generated by nuclear power and 24% by so-called renewable sources, like wind and solar power. The rest is apparently generated by a mixture of ‘other’ fossil fuels (3.5%) and imports from France. Add to this the fact that all but one of our nuclear power stations are scheduled to be retired by 2035 and it becomes obvious that someone has got his sums wrong.

Disaster round the corner?

There are currently about 28 million households in Britain and if one assumes that most of them run at least one petrol or diesel car and (let’s say) half have oil or gas fired heating, you don’t even have to do the calculations to see that there will be a truly humungous increase in electricity consumption if and when all alternatives are phased out. Looking at how shaky the electricity distribution infrastructure is in rural areas at the moment it’s hard to see anything but disaster round the corner.

Add to all this, of course that so-called renewable energy sources are scheduled to increase to 30% of national output at most. The rest will have to come from a whole new generation of much larger or more numerous nuclear reactors, with all that that entails.

And speaking of alternative energy, human nature being what it is, farmers are now queuing up for planning permission for solar ‘farms’ as an easier and more lucrative alternative to growing food for the nation. In a country that only produces 52% of its own food at the moment, this can only be described as madness.

Using up priceless English countryside for short term gain and and no real contribution to the self inflicted future electricity shortage.

A much better solution would be mandatory solar panels on the roof of every new house built, no infrastructure, no pylons, no problem. Given the huge housebuilding programme the government has undertaken this could provide a large contribution to the national grid.

The elephant in the room

The problem, as always of course, is the proverbial elephant in the room, the size of the human population, which no one will talk about. Instead, we are required to accept that the UK population can keep on growing continuously without ever reaching the point of unsustainability.

Overpopulation is a very obvious global problem which most people are at least vaguely aware of, but it is quite astonishing that nothing is ever offered in the way of solutions or even discussion from the never ending international summits or from national governments. On the contrary, most western nations seem trapped in the belief that ever growing national economies and the rising populations and massive consumption increases they require can one day be made sustainable.

If the UK currently only produces 52% of its own food that means we are simply exporting our over population problem to other countries, mostly Eastern Europe, South America and the far East. As the new trade deals with New Zealand and Australia begin to take effect the emphasis will shift, but the principle remains the same. At the moment these countries may be content to subsidise our irresponsible policies, but that won’t last forever once they decide they need the spare food for their own expanding populations.

It seems stunningly obvious that if the ship has too many passengers and is in constant danger of sinking, simply moving them around in a vain attempt to stabilise it will eventually end in disaster for all. Allowing even more to climb on board is complete madness.

What we've been up to

December 2021 – and still living with Covid

December 1st 2021, almost two years ago to the day when the Covid 19 pandemic first began to hit. Who would have thought we would still be trying to avoid a new variant breaking out and causing further lockdowns?

Without wanting to get into the politics of it, it has to be said that the crisis has crippled a lot of industries, some of whom will not recover, while others seem to be still content to carry on operating at half capacity and providing half a service.

The Land registry office, for instance, is currently taking between 6 and 8 months(!!) to respond to information and registration requests, something to bear in mind if you are considering moving house.

Back to normal?

From a beda:photo point of view, we have been trying to get back to normal for over a year now, but continue to be frustrated by the complete lack of co-operation from organisations like councils, local government, the Environment Agency and Highways Authorities. We are required to deal with all these agencies from time to time as part of what we do to get permission to fly drones and we are finding that many of them simply couldn’t care less about getting back to work.

The lack of meaningful response is still being put down to Covid related absenteeism, associated cuts in funding and (of course) difficulties they are experiencing in dealing with other departments and agencies.

In the small business sector (where we live) however, things couldn’t be more different. It is only thanks to the self employed and small businesses that the UK economy is recovering at all and the inescapable truth is that while the link between work and pay seems firmly established in the minds of this group, it is of only marginal interest to many others, a lot of whom seem to have developed a taste for furlough which they seem reluctant to let go.

Making the best of a bad situation, or ‘working from home’?

Working from home

Working from home isn’t for everyone, particularly if you fly drones for a living, and there are only so many photos you can take of the family and the flowers in the garden (if you have a garden). In fact, at the height of lockdown the Civil Aviation Authority was forced to relax its competency rules as the majority of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) operators were simply unable to put in enough flying hours to maintain currency.

Flying drones in confined spaces is not for the faint-hearted, nor calculated to win friends and influence people.



Another unfortunate consequence of the pandemic is that significant numbers of companies have developed a liking for working from home, with very mixed consequences. Many employers are looking for a ‘property dividend’ and hoping to shed office overheads, while employees like the idea of wrapping work around their personal lives, which rarely works.

Working on your own imposes greater responsibilities and requires more self discipline than a supervised workplace and for professions which require you to make yourself available to customers this can prove a real challenge. Anyone who doubts the truth of that should try getting an appointment with a GP or a solicitor, two professions who appear to have no desire to go back to previous working practices.

Whatever the new year brings, beda:photo will be very much open for business and continuing to work for clients in the building trade, private customers and the marketing and property industries. We may not be doing much work in Australia, but nothing’s perfect.